Book a tour
Come along and learn more about nature-led recovery at Heal’s first rewilding site, Heal Somerset. 
Heal Somerset began its recovery from its ecologically depleted state at the beginning of 2023 and nature here is already beginning to bounce back. You will also hopefully experience some of the varied wildlife we have on site, but even if the creatures are elusive on the day, we know you will still find the site a beautiful, peaceful and restorative place to be. 
Tours last two hours and cover about 4km on mown paths. We run a variety of tours from our Rewilding in Action: A Tour of Heal Somerset with Heal Co-founder Jan Stannard to wildlife and bird tours with naturalist Nick Patel. Assistance dogs are welcome, but no other dogs or pets are allowed on site. Unfortunately, we can't yet offer wheelchair-accessible site visits but we have plans to make these possible in the future.
People love our tours! "The best morning I've had in ages", "So privileged to see Heal Somerset at the beginning" and "Excellent tour" are just some of the lovely comments we've had.

Introductory Tours
Come and learn more around the wider context of rewilding, the reasons we need it and the benefits it brings to nature, the climate and to our own wellbeing. You'll hear Jan talk about the rewilding principles we follow, our plans for the land and about some of the changes we have seen on the site already, including the very welcome appearance of wild-living beavers. 
From £28 per person
12+, babies in slings welcome